Saturday, October 13, 2007


I have added links to the crafting blogs I read every day. Maybe I'll add the rest of the blogs I read at some point, but I wanted to start with the ones that were... thematically appropriate. Please let me know if I've done something horribly rude by adding links without asking first!

I felt bad for all the people who have blogs whose names appear late in the alphabet, so I've got them sorted reverse alphabetically. My last name begins with 'S' and I always hated having to be near the end of the line all the time.

No, I don't read psychotically fast, I just have a good RSS reader and most people don't post every day. That means that all of the people linked will allow you to get the full content of their posts through RSS or Atom or some other feed-type mechanism -- I got frustrated with all the people who only give you previews. If I wanted to visit a thousand webpages every morning, I wouldn't bother having an RSS reader in the first place, now would I?

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